Antennas, Feedlines, Baluns, Traps.
Aluminium Tubing for making antennas, UK supplier.
Aluminium Tubing for making antennas, Spain supplier.
Antenna Calculator for Dipole and Inverted Vee HF antennas. Online calculator.
Antenna Lengths for HF and VHF 1/4 wave verticals, dipoles and full wave loops chart.
Big Antenna. I cannot imagine going to this trouble and expense for an amateur installation, but W6DSR did. It's not a happy ending!
Choke Baluns. The "Ugly Balun", an article on how to make coax choke baluns on N4UJW's Hamuniverse.com.
Choke Baluns. Common-mode chokes for HF, online article by G3TXQ. For the chart alone, view here.
Coax Data. Attenuation charts for most popular coax, for H-155 and for Messi & Paoloni coax, my cables of choice.
Coaxial Traps by W8WWV. A comprehensive article on building traps.
Coax Traps by ON7EQ. Practical advice on how to construct nice traps.
Coax Trap Calculator. Download the coax trap calculator mentioned in both the above articles from here.
Coil-Shortened Dipole Antenna Calculator. Takes the guesswork out of making a shortened dipole.
Creating a balun. Baluns explained by G0KSC. There are many other pieces on performance antennas on the same site here.
Fundamental antenna information in a series of articles by W4RNL. "Antennas from the ground up".
Hy-Gain Antennas. I have a Hy-Gain TH-2. For now I only use the dipole element, effectively TH-1, from before Hy-Gain was part of MFJ.
Inovantennas. I use these excellent LFA beams on VHF.
Mast Manufacturer. After years struggling with a push-up mast, I upgraded to a crank-up aluminium mast, made in Greece by Silcom.
Open Wire Feeder. A handy calculator gives gives impedance for wire size and spacing.
RF Connectors Good value BNC, N, PL SMA, etc connectors at m0mat RF Devices. I find the 5 packs particular value.
RF Connectors. If you want high quality, there is Messi & Paoloni, either Direct, from Martin Lynch in the UK or Astro Radio in Spain.
RF Exposure calculator. Is your antenna going to fry you? Find out here.
RF Exposure calculator, above. Your browser may block access to the embedded calculator. If so, you may access it here.
Supplies for the antenna experimenter. Lots of hard to find parts at HF Kits.
YU1CF Antennas. I use these excellent antennas on VHF/UHF. See the range here. Buy direct or from Wimo.